Villagers with torches creeping through the streets, pointing and yelling, "Racist! Racist! Racist!"
That is how I view the modern liberal. Like characters in an old black and white horror movie, they foam at the prospect of burning somebody’s house down. They are relentless and they are ruthless.
But, as is the case with all films of that type, the villager eventually has the light shone back in his own face. It is he who is exposed as the true monster.
It only takes a watchful eye to see that the liberal mind is a hate-filled cesspool, overflowing and toxic with duplicity. It creates concepts such as ‘Tolerance’ and ‘Social Justice’ but tolerates nothing and detests the socially just. It can invoke the name of Jesus while spewing filth upon those who believe in him. It can use the likeness of MLK as a prop as it goes about systematically destroying anything he may have stood for.
Make no bones about it, the new progressive despises the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and his legacy. He was, after all, a Christian.
All one needs to do is look back through history with this perspective, and it becomes quite apparent that the true racist pigs among us refer to themselves as, “Progressive.”
In no time, I intend to show exactly how it all got to be this way. How the party of slavery and segregation became the party of the black population.
Keep in mind, only a Liberal could look at Detroit, see success, and say, “that’s going well. Let’s keep it up.”
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